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Pine Forest ACC Building Guidelines​


The Pine Forest Subdivision is unique in that the homes depict a vast array of styles and is not a typical "cookie cutter" neighborhood. At the same time, property owners and residents seek a sense of continuity within the community in order to maintain the highest value of our homes. The ACC guidelines and procedures are the rules and regulations that govern residential development in Pine Forest.


Homes and other structures built in Pine Forest must be permitted through the Architectural Control Committee (ACC).  Such a process protects owners’ property values. The guidelines are intended to be clear and understandable to property owners and residents and provide consistent guidance on design and implementation for new construction, site improvements and renovations. 


IMPORTANT: Before you begin the building process: Thoroughly read the Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CCRs) pertaining to the Unit where you plan to build. If the CCRs have not been met, it may delay the closing process on loans and permitting. ​


Contact the Bastrop County Development Services to get the latest version of the Development Services Application, and current regulations for Construction, Driveway/Culvert, 911 Addresses and Septic Systems. To reach Bastrop County, go to: If you are in Unit 6 and within city limits, contact the City of Bastrop:


Contact Aqua Water or Bastrop County WCID#2, depending upon your address, to make them aware of your plans and need for water. Some property owners opt for wells.


Please contact Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative regarding electric service. Electricity must be installed and available prior to building. Arranging for electrical connection is the responsibility of the homeowner.


The guidelines are intended to ensure the review process is efficiently and effectively administered and that individual property owners and the community are treated fairly in the process.


General Guidelines

The ACC is responsible for approving the architectural design and exterior materials of the residence. The residence must be architecturally compatible with nearby structures within the subdivision and with the lot’s location, topography and finished grade elevation. The rerouting of natural creeks or waterways is not permitted.

In accordance with HB 2833, residential construction in the unincorporated areas of Bastrop County shall substantially conform to either the version of the International Residential Code published as of May 1, 2008 (which is the 2006 International Residential Code) or the version of the International Residential Code that is applicable in the county seat (City of Bastrop).  HB 2833 requires that the decision of which code to use is the builder’s choice.


These building code requirements apply in the unincorporated areas of Bastrop County for the construction of a new single-family house or the construction of an addition to an existing single-family house (if the addition will increase the square footage or the value of the existing residential building by more than 50 percent).

There are three required inspections.  The required inspections must be performed at three stages:

1. The foundation stage, before the placement of concrete;

2. The framing and mechanical systems stage, before covering with drywall or other interior wall covering; and

3. Completion of construction of the residence.

For remodeling construction to an existing residence, the inspection requirements shall be performed as necessary based on the scope of work of the construction project.

In accordance with the provisions of HB 2833, as adopted by Bastrop County, the County is not involved in the inspection process for the residential structure.  The builder is responsible for contracting to perform the required inspections with:

1. A licensed engineer;

2. A registered architect;

3. A professional inspector licensed by the Texas Real Estate Commission;

4. A plumbing inspector employed by a municipality and licensed by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners;

5. A building inspector employed by a political subdivision; or

6. An individual certified as a residential combination inspector by the International Code Council. 

A builder may use the same inspector for all the required inspections or a different inspector for each required inspection.

It is the builder’s responsibility to:

1. Comply with these requirements,

2. Have the required inspections performed.

3. Maintain copies of the inspection reports. 

Note: There is no requirement to provide copies of reports to Bastrop County.


If a property in Unit 6 is within the city limits of Bastrop, a building permit must be obtained from the City of Bastrop Planning Department, 1311 Chestnut Street (drop off location), Bastrop, Texas 78602, or contact them at Please note that if there is a conflict between the City of Bastrop Building Codes and these Building Guidelines, the more restrictive provisions will apply.  


Manufactured homes are allowed (only) in Unit 12 of Pine Forest. Please consult with the ACC, along with the CCRs, regarding questions pertaining to manufactured homes. 


In order for the ACC to ensure compliance with the Declarations on the residence and/or lot, the ACC must receive the following information for any improvements (other than clearing permits):

  • pre and post drainage exhibits with topographical lines signed by a registered engineer

  • a surveyed plot plan showing placement of construction, improvement or alteration with dimensioned setbacks from property lines.

  • footprint dimensions of all proposed structure(s) and the driveway

  • an exterior elevation for each proposed structure

  • color and type of roofing materials

  • exterior materials proposed for each structure and color of materials

If using an existing foundation, an engineering report is required prior to permitting.


The residences in Units 6 through 11 shall provide a minimum living floor area of 1,800 square feet (with at least 1,200 sq. ft. existing on the first floor) excluding garages and accessory structures and shall have no more than two stories. The residences in Unit 12 must provide a minimum living floor space of 1,500 square feet. To ensure compliance, the submitted building plan should indicate residence dimensions.


Unapproved changes from ACC approved plans may cause delays in the construction timeline, incur additional cost and will result in a fine to the homeowner. Please contact the ACC prior to making any changes to approved plans.


New home permits are good for a six (6) month period from the mutually agreed upon start date. Other permits are based on the agreed upon start and end dates plus an additional 30 days (not to exceed six months). If the permit expires before work is complete, the property owner must request an extension on the permit. The ACC shall be notified upon project completion.


Complete an application and submit to the ACC along with your $1,000 building permit fee. All POA dues/assessments must be current prior to application approval. Submission of Application/Permit fees does not constitute an approved application.


Application for Early Concrete Pour Permit

Hours of Work

1. All builders and sub-contractors can work on construction sites from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday through Saturday. Sunday shall be considered a non-workday for the neighbors to enjoy their homes and our natural surroundings. The builder will be held responsible by the property owner to notify all subcontractors of these restrictions on hours. If a subcontractor violates these restrictions, it will be a violation by the property owner.


2. Concrete pours should occur during the aforementioned builder hours, excluding recognized holidays. The property owner is responsible to notify the immediate contiguous neighbors with written notice of any intended early concrete (see Early Pour form below) and said notice must be given at least seven days before the date of the pour.


Complete the Application for Early Concrete Pour if seeking a permit for this purpose.


3. A copy of the construction work hours must be posted on the sign at the construction site along with the permit. The construction work hours must be posted in English and Spanish.


Site Work

A building permit for new construction is required for ANY and ALL site work. Site work shall include any grading, clearing or alteration to a property prior to or during construction of a new residence in Units 6 - 12 or placement of a new manufactured home in Unit 12. A plot plan shall be submitted indicating area of work inclusive of dimensioned changes or modifications to existing topographical elevation. Site work includes removing live trees, clearing of shrubs or other vegetation, installing utility facilities, excavating, filling or similarly disturbing the land surface, (including changing grade, stream bed, ground level or drainage pattern) and building driveways.  Prior to any burning of debris by the property owner, a serviceable water source must be available for the purpose of fire prevention. If no water source is available on the property, a water truck (or other suitable source) with the capability to pump water shall be provided. Prior to any site excavation, all applicable measures shall be taken to mitigate or prevent erosion and silt. Additional measures shall be taken to mitigate or prevent any drainage containment or run-off that is a result of completed site work. No burning, (of any cleared vegetation, construction debris, trash or any other material) is allowed by the contractor or developer. Site work shall not commence unless approved residence construction is to begin within 60 days. There is no additional permit fee for a Site work permit but it is included in the initial building construction fee with entire fee is non-refundable should something stop during the permitting/build process.  



A driveway shall be permitted and approved and be constructed and maintained from the street to the garage in Units 6 through 11 and from the street to the established parking area in Unit 12. On new construction homes, a driveway consisting solely of dirt, grass or other vegetation shall not be considered to be permanent and not compliant with the CCRs. 


Ancillary and Other Structures

Permitted ancillary structures include garages, sheds, and/or other similar structures. Chicken coups (no roosters) shall comply with the provisions of Texas Law. The ancillary structures should complement the character or theme of the primary residence and be harmonious with the architectural style of the primary residence. ACC approval is required prior to construction. There is no ACC fee for ancillary structures.


Other Changes to Improved Lots

The following types of changes require ACC approval, by the submission of a plot plan indicating the planned improvement: adding or altering an existing driveway; installing utility facilities; excavating, filling or similarly disturbing the land surface, changing grade, stream bed, ground level or drainage pattern or any clearing that may increase the chance of top soil erosion.  There is no ACC fee for Improved Lot Alterations.


Minimal clearing of brush and shrubs from property is encouraged to retain the natural appearance of the community, aid in forest health, reduce the areas in which noxious weeds grow more readily, assure conservative water usage, and reduce fire potential. Minimal clearing is defined as not requiring heavy equipment and does not require ACC approval but if in doubt, please send an inquiry to the ACC to be sure of compliance to this rule.


Retaining Walls

A retaining wall is any wall that is intended to restrain a force moving against it whether from dirt, rocks, or other materials. A retaining wall over two feet high requires a copy of the plans, properly signed, and stamped by an engineer and must be submitted as part of the permit application. Please note that it is against Bastrop County regulations to divert naturally flowing water, and construction of retaining walls is prohibited if that will occur.


Sanitation and Construction Debris

Property owners are responsible to ensure that portable toilets and dumpsters are on site prior to any new construction in Pine Forest. Construction debris and worker related garbage shall be cleaned up and disposed on a daily basis. Property owners are responsible to ensure that their builders plan for the periodic removal of construction debris from the lot. No burning of construction debris is allowed by the contractor /builder.


Septic Systems

The design and cost of a septic system for your house will depend on the permeability of the soils on your site and are subject to the requirements of Bastrop County.


Application for Construction


The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is responsible for ensuring the Pine Forest guidelines are met in order to maintain property values.  All structures (including but not limited to fences, sheds, above and below ground pools and new homes) built in Pine Forest require approval by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). The Application for Construction must be completed and approved prior to building. Applying for a permit after construction has begun, will result in a $1,000 fine being levied, permits must be requested and granted BEFORE any of the aforementioned work has begun.


Complete all of the information on page one of the application. Include with the application copies of permits and requested documents and information on page two. Review and be sure to compare the application against the Check-Off-List to ensure that all documentation is included with the application.  Application review process normally is done in 7 to 14 days but may take up to 30 days in some situations.


Applications will not be granted unless POA dues, assessments, fines and/or permit fees are current. Submission of Application fees does not constitute an approved application.


Submit the application package to the ACC via email or the postal service to:


Pine Forest Property Owners Association

c/o Pine Forest Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

P.O. Box 2207

Bastrop, TX 78602


For more information about the permitting process send an email to the ACC at


Enforcement of Architecture Guidelines and Committee Actions

Work completed outside of the approved permitting process will receive fines according to the approved fee schedule.


Other violations of Architecture Guidelines may be reported by anyone to the ACC. Violations will be processed in the following manner. A member of the ACC shall review the alleged violations and if validated, the owner will be notified of said violation, associated fine(s) as well as the required curative action. If the violation remains unresolved, a follow-up letter will be sent to the violator by the ACC indicating the next and final step in the curative part of the process. 


If there is no response within 10 days of receipt of the second letter, the ACC will turn the matter over to the Pine Forest Board and legal counsel and if left unresolved may result in strict legal action. Expenses incurred in this process will be the responsibility of the property owner.



© 2020 Pine Forest Property Owners Association (PFPOA), P.O. Box 2207, Bastrop, Texas 78602  

Content, design and/or photography cannot be used without permission. 

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